The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Entrepreneurship Education (SBA/OEE) provides education, resources and tools to help small businesses succeed. Designed to support the start-up, management and growth of small businesses, these resources include specialized training sessions, distance learning, written materials, websites and other tools. One of the most popular SBA/OEE resources is the SBA Learning Center—a robust microsite featuring free online courses to help entrepreneurs start and grow their business.
The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Entrepreneurship Education (SBA/OEE) provides education, resources and tools to help small businesses succeed. Designed to support the start-up, management and growth of small businesses, these resources include specialized training sessions, distance learning, written materials, websites and other tools. One of the most popular SBA/OEE resources is the SBA Learning Center—a robust microsite featuring free online courses to help entrepreneurs start and grow their business.
Concepts Communications was delighted to support SBA/OEE in its efforts to elevate and enhance the SBA Learning Center. The agency’s goal was to reorganize the Learning Center content within four core categories—Plan Your Business, Launch Your Business, Manage Your Business and Grow Your Business—and enhance each section with new and improved content.
The Concepts Communications team began by analyzing user data, determining the most popular Learning Center courses and designing a new structure for the microsite centered around four online toolkits. Each was designed to be a gateway to helpful online courses, blog posts, downloadable fact sheets, podcast interviews and more.
Then, Concepts Communications drafted and designed a series of fact sheets and infographics to serve as companions to the online courses. Offering an “at-a-glance” synopsis of valuable Learning Center content, these materials covered a range of topics from “How to Write a Business Plan” to “Social Media Marketing” to “Taking Your Business Global.”
Finally, Concepts Communications developed a series of SBA Learning Center Instructor Guides to help the many organizations and field offices across the country that deliver in-person workshops based on Learning Center courses. Featuring hand-outs, group activities, speaker talking points and presentation decks, these turn-key “train the trainer” guides equip instructors with the tools they need to present SBA online courses in a live classroom setting.