Karen Herson is president and founder of Concepts Communications, and takes great pride in its distinguished track record of work on disability issues. She and her talented staff have been the creative voice behind many well-known outreach initiatives and products over the years, including several television public service announcements and other multi-media materials.
As president of Concepts Communications, Karen fosters a “go above and beyond” approach to client satisfaction and closely interacts with all staff to ensure client needs are met throughout all phases of a project. She directly manages a number of projects for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy and other federal government agencies. Her intricate knowledge of each client and project’s dynamics, as well as her dedication to unparalleled professionalism, is equally shared by her employees and consultants.
In leading the Concepts Communications team, Karen draws upon more than 30 years of experience in the public relations field. Prior to launching Concepts Communications, she worked at Walcoff & Associates and consulted for the U.S. Marshals Services Association, conceptualizing and implementing outreach campaigns in targeted communities. She also has international experience, having worked at Allpoints International and Tri-World International, where she helped implement USAID-funded small business development initiatives for clients in Africa, South America and the Caribbean.
Karen earned a bachelor of arts in communications from The George Washington University. She is a strong supporter of wounded warrior initiatives and an active volunteer with the American Red Cross at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., where she also sponsors its annual Thanksgiving feast for families. Karen has recently become a member of the Forbes Business Council, the Black Veterans Empowerment Council, Disability Advisory Roundtable and 2gether-International’s Advisory Board. Karen is also a board member of the Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind, the Colorectal Cancer Alliance and the Metro DC Disability:IN.